Monday, March 27, 2006

Weekend Update: Cherry Blossoms and Sofa Mayhem

Friday night was another fun night with the WMWers. Those people definitely know how to have a good time- even at DC's crappiest bars. We went to the 4th Estate, then to dinner at Cafe Luna with Audrey (our friend from Davis touring GW and AU) and then to the Townhouse Tavern. Probably could have stayed out later, but Audrey was really jet lagged so we headed home about midnight. Fun times.

Saturday was a semi productive day. We joined with Audrey and Andrew for a typical Saturday DC adventure. First we walked around the Kite Festival at the National Mall (which was beautiful) and then headed to the Jefferson Memorial for the cherry blossom festival. The cherries weren't exactly blooming, but it was still a nice day out. There was an entertainment stage at the Jefferson, and we happened upon these cute little girls who were dancing like complete whores. Talk about cherries.

After our long day of walking and siteseeing on Saturday, we lazied out for Saturday night activities. Oh well, it happens.

Sunday was quite a productive day. Russ went to church and then we met at the Storehouse where we found a couch we absolutely fell in love with. Too bad it won't fit in our damn door. We have an awesome, spacious, basement apartment...but absolutely nothing will fit through our doors. It is ridiculous. I guess we are going to have to get a futon or go to Ikea so we can buy furniture in boxes and assemble it ourselves indoors. Oy.

After that we went to a new comer meet and greet thing for Russ's church. I managed to avoid all church talk in the beginning, but eventually I had to give in an admit I was Jewish. I didn't want to look like a total heathen when I tried to explain why I had never actually been to the church yet. I still don't think attending church is for me- but the people there were very nice and I'd be happy to cross paths with them again.

For our last Sunday event, we met people at the movies to see "V is for Vendetta." It was a pretty decent thriller flick. I wouldn't call it great, but it was still good. And Natalie Portman wasn't that bad.

Overall a successful if I could just get myself to blog during the week.

Sunday, March 19, 2006

Weekend Update: Sports and St. Pat's Day

Not one of my most productive weekends, but still not a bad one. I spent St. Patty's Day with Andrew and Paige at the Sign of the Whale. We stole a table and started a revolution, yet it was still a pretty mild night. Exactly what I wanted.

Saturday I had my fantasy baseball draft, and I'm pretty happy with my team. I think I have like 6 A's players and 2 ex-A's players, so I think I should win the award for most team spirit. I also entered several NCAA basketball pools. I'm basically sucking in the men's pools. But none of my final four teams are out yet, so anything can happen. I'm going okay in the women's pool. But there has only been one round so far, so anything can happen.

Today Russ and I had a yummy brunch at Duke's City, which had free mimosas. Then we went furniture shopping for a few hours. I think it was productive in that we both have a better idea for what we want and how much it will cost (which of course is more than we had planned). However, we didn't really find anything so the search continues.