Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Weekend Update: Mara's and Ikea

I just got home from my internship and find myself with a little free time so I figured I'd write a bit. Not too much exciting going on other than counting down the hours until I return to CA. Last weekend Russ and I made the ultimate Ikea trip. While it was, in my opinion, a successful trip, we are still missing several key items such as a dining room table and sofa. So basically our kitchen and bathroom is done, but our apartment looks totally bare because we are missing large furniture items. I think the plan is to wait until after the holidays when our cash supply has been slightly replenished to finish furnishing.

Saturday night we went to a fun party at Mara's where there were popular Christmas drinks such as spiced wine, spiced punch, and spiced appletinis. Yum. Haning out with Mara's clan is usually fun, but add in Nadine and Andrew and the hits just keep on rolling.

Last night was also a fun Mara night, some of us got together and went to Happy Hour at Ella's Pizza. Happy hour at Ella's is pretty awesome.....free pizza (!) and $3 sangria and yuengling. Can't complain there. Then we went to RFD's to get more food and drink. Wooo.

On the job front......well lets not talk about that because it is depressing.

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

If I can make it here, I'll make it anywhere

Well, I suppose that isn't really true...I'm know there are more challenging places to live than Washington DC. But since life is pretty crazy right now, I sure feel that way sometimes. Russ and I have officially moved into our apartment near U Street, and are trying to get settled in as best we can with minimal funds. Luckily we have lots of foodstuff donated from the UCDC Program peeps who ditched their food to fly to CA...otherwise we would really be suffering.

There is a picture of the front of our basement apartment. I must say it is pretty awesome, and will only get better.

Well the next few weeks might not be the most exciting of my time in DC...but I have to spend lots of time on the job hunt and therefore can't get too crazy for a bit. So enjoy my newly revived blog about life in DC to update you on my experiences, thoughts, opinions and whatever else comes to mind. :)