Saturday, February 18, 2006

I usually never do these things....

...but my sister did this one so it must be cool.

A - Available: nope
A - Age: 23
A - Annoyance: being broke

B - Best Friends: Sarah. I just moved so I feel like I don't have a ton of best friends anymore...but Caroline, Kate, Debbie, Alison, etc will always be close to me
B - Bar: In Davis- Sudwerk, in Fresno- The Pub, In DC-La Tasca so far, although I still have a lot to try!
B - Birthday?: January 5

C - Crush: Bruce Willis
C - Car: not in DC, and I won't be driving Zip Cars anymore....
C - Cat(s): not since I was a kid

D - Dead Pets Name: Chelsea
D - Dads Name: Jeff
D - Dog: Shelby is in Berkeley

E - Easiest Person To Talk To: Russ
E - Eggs: Scrambled
E - Email:

F - Favorite Color: greens
F - Food: Chocolate
F - Foreign slang: merd

G - Gummy Bears or Worms: Worms
G - God: I think there is something
G - Good Time: Happy Hour

H - Hair Color: RED
H - Height: 5'3"
H - Happy: Hour

I - Ice Cream: triple carmel chunk, chocolate and pb, gold medal ribbon
I - Instrument: I used to play the flute, dabbled in the guitar, but mostly just listen
I - Idol: I don't know I'm kinda picky

J - Jewelery: all sorts of earrings
J - Job: I do now :)
J - Joke: The blue cloud joke is my fave

K - Kids: Heck no
K - Karate: I wish, I was always jealous of my brother for doing that.
K - Kung Fu: I heart the teenage mutant ninja turtles

L - Longest Car Ride: not sure, probably coming back from Canada but I was asleep
L - Longest Relationship: going on 15 months....
L - Love: dancing, exploring, eating

M - Milk Flavor: chocolate
M - Mothers Name: Karen
M - Movie Last Watched: I just watched some of the Coneheads on TV, "The World's Fastest Indian" in the theatre which was amazing

N - Number of Siblings: one brother, 4 stepbrothers and a stepsister
N - Northern or Southern: Northern
N - Name: Karly, Kar, K, Red

O - One Wish: right now that I had more money, I know it is lame but it is hard to be broke in DC
O - One Phobia: Heights, and car accidents
O - Otter Pop: oh the Fresno summers...

P - Parents, are they married or divorced: divorced and remarried (not to each other)
P - Part of your appearence you like best: my red hair
P - Part of your personality you like best: have to think about that one...

Q - Quote: "Live as if you were to die tomorrow, learn as if you were to live forever." -Gandhi
Q - Question for the next person: how long is too long?
Q - Quick or Slow?: quick quick slow

R - Reason to smile: I'm here aren't I?
R - Reality TV Show: Currently Project Runway
R - Right or Left: right handed but definitely a lefty

S - Song Last Heard: Something by Flogging Molly
S - Season: Spring
S - Sex: Female

T - Time you woke up: 10:35, I love Saturdays
T - Time Now: 7:55 pm
T - Time for bed: probably around midnight

U - Unknown fact about me:
U - Unicorns: they are cool in Harry Potter
U - U are: excited to go to Eastern Market tomorrow

V - Vegetable you hate: mushrooms if they are cooked and olives
V - Vegetable you love: zucchini, tomatoes, potatoes, green peppers
V - View on Politics: This town is crazy.

W- Worst Habits: picking at my nails, I just can't keep my hands still.
W- Where are you going to travel next: no clue, probably go to Virginia tomorrow
W- Watchful: definitely in this city

X - X-Rays: what about them?
X - X-Rated Porn: when the time is right
X - X-tra special someone: Russ and my entire family

Y - Year you were born: 1983
Y - Year it is now: 2006
Y - Yellow: mellow

Z - Zoo Animal: the ones that aren't in cages
Z - Zodiac: Capricorn
Z - Zoolander: "Who would have thought a gasoline fight could turn flamable?"

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Random things people have said to me on the DC streets....

"Hey girl you got beautiful hair. Can you spare some change?"
-Homeless guy #1

"Hey the free Krispy Kreme donughts at [unintelligible] ends in 3 minutes."
-Random guy #1

"Man white people are cheap.... Hey you, see that black woman over there, she don't even hear me...well whatever, she has a big ass anyway."
-Guy playing saxophone by the metro stop and harrasing people as they walked by and didn't give him money

"I looof you gurl, take care baby..."
-Homeless guy #2

"Happy Valentine's Day you two. Have kids soon, don't wait until you are 40 or 50 okay?"
-Random woman #1 (said to Russ and I the day before Valentine's Day)

"Hey lovebirds! Happy Valentine's Day! Can you spare some change?"
-Homeless guy #3 (said to Russ and I on Valentine's Day)