Thursday, July 15, 2004

Fam Time

Tonight I went to my Aunt Jacqui and Jan's place for some good bbq and fam time. As usual, it is great to be so close to my aunts. I have one is Sacramento and one in Roseville. Not too close and not too far. I always have good times with Jacqui and Jan, not only because they share my political views, but because they are just cool people. Jan's family from North Carolina was there also. Can't say I much identify with those folks, but once I go off roading with them, maybe I'll change my mind. Tonight I got Jan to admit she lives in suburban hell and likes it, and I got everyone to listen to my rant about why bottled water sucks.

It has been about seven years since my parents got divorced. Most of the experiences that have made me who I am today happened while my parents were separated. But still, sometimes I get weirded out by it all. This weekend my mother moved in with her fiancee. She recently informed me of her new home phone number. So why is that a big deal? Her old phone number... 432-4540... is the phone number I grew up with. I've had it since I was six. I will probably always remember it, it has been ingrained in my memory. And now it is gone. Now I know that this doesn't necessarily have anything to do with the divorce. We could have changed phone numbers for any number of reasons, like if we had moved out of Fresno. But for some reason, I'm totally weirded out that my childhood phone number is gone. I guess it just reminds me of when my parents were together and when we all lived together with that phone number.


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