Sunday, July 11, 2004

Love them Bears

For Jen's 21st we ventured out of the Davis bubble and headed to Chico. After dinner and "the sampler" at the Sierra Nevada Brewery, we headed out to check out the Chico night live. Even thought it was the summer and, like Davis, a lot less active, I must say I was rather impressed with Chico's bar scene. This comes at no surprise of course, but at least now I can say so for myself and not base my view off the stereotypes.

We first visited Madison Bear Gardens, affectionately referred to as "The Bear." The Bear was a bar my dad liked to frequent when he went to Chico State, and I can see why. Three stories, three bars, and three dollar drink specials. Specialty shots were also $2, and we sure tried a lot of those! Next we went to the crazyhorse, a bar straight out of that John Travolta movie "urban cowboy." The chaps, cowboy hats, and country music I have never heard before wasn't really my style, but it was still a cool bar with lots of personality. Then we went back to the Bear and home. Fun times, even though I was so full from dinner I didn't even get near being drunk.

Saturday morning Jen, Haleh, and I went to Bidwell park and checked out the swimming holes. Those are awesome places. We went to Bear Hole and then Salmon Hole. What a cool place.

After getting back from Chico I went to dinner in Sac with my aunt, and then we went on an art walk through some galleries downtown. Apparently every 2nd Saturday in Sac they have this art walk where all the galleries are open and they serve drinks and snacks. I must say I really enjoyed it. Strolling through the streets with lots of different people and viewing lots of different styles of art work. I think I would like to do it again next month. And eventually, maybe I will even be able to buy some of the art work I admired.


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